Photo of Michelle Patidar smiling, health coach

I am so happy you are here!


You are a cancer survivor! I know that sentence can bring upon a range of emotions, because just when you thought you were done with the battle it probably has seemed like another one has just begun, recovery. You are now in a whole new chapter of rebuilding your health, understanding what life after cancer means to you, and really healing from the inside out.

And that is something to be CELEBRATED!

Download Your Free Guide


Are you ready to supercharge your immunity? Download your free guide to learn the 10 top immune boosting foods that help prevent cancer, prevent recurrence and help you heal during your post cancer journey.

 Welcome to my platform for recovery. It is a safe place for survivors to recuperate their health and well-being post-cancer treatment and for those with a predisposition for cancer to take control of their bodies.

Remember the best view comes after the hardest climb. And trust me, I know firsthand.

Photo of Michelle looking on the site

Hi, I am Michelle.

I am a 38 year old cancer survivor. I have been cancer free for 5 years and I have been where you are. I know all the things you are feeling right now: grateful, scared, overwhelmed, lost, anxious, happy, a loss of identity, exhausted, alone, and like you are left with a body you do not recognize. It is a range of emotions and all are completely normal and valid. Let me tell you a little about my personal journey..

To understand my full journey check out my feature in cancer wellness magazine here .

I was diagnosed when I was 32 years old with stage 2 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I was newly married, I just lost my mom to stage 4 stomach cancer and simply put I was terrified for my life. I went through 6 rounds of inpatient chemotherapy; I was connected to a drip for 24 hours a day and 5 days a week every 12 days. It was an intense journey that left me completely depleted. Around round 4, I was declared cancer free and after round 6 I felt truly exhausted. I had my PICC line removed and I was discharged from the hospital.


The weird thing was, there was no “exit plan”. I kind of kept waiting for direction on where I go next. Afterall, I had the most wonderful oncologist holding my hand through all of my chemo journey but once the machine was off, it seemed everyone had disappeared. My mind kept swirling with thoughts: what do I do next? How should I be supporting my body? Where is this anxiety coming from? Will the cancer return? When will I get my strength back?

There was no direction, no exit plan and no actual support for my post cancer chapter. I was stunned! I realized it was up to me and only me to nurse myself back to health. That began my journey of recuperation. I wanted to detox, get my energy back and I completely needed help with my gut and digestion. Not to mention, I needed to deal with the emotional/mental side of this next chapter. I felt so alone and I knew if I felt this way, others must as well. 

So WELCOME to my website,

check out my services, and know that I understand where you are. I am here to help and this company is your support system. We are your exit plan, the start of your next chapter and the support needed to help you achieve ultimate WHOLEhealth and lessen your chances of cancer reoccurrence. 

Michelle and her family

“I am thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled upon my strength.”

- Alexandra Elle

Work with Michelle


1:1 Consulting


This 1:1 consulting program focuses on cancer recovery and prevention. This is a 6 month program that is tailored to each individual that I coach. Because we are all bioindividual, I praise myself on working with people and their present conditions versus creating a “one-size fits all” program. This allows me to concentrate on your specific goals/needs as well as help address the root cause of your existing condition(s).

 In the News


Cancer Wellness Magazine, February 12, 2021

My Mother’s Message.

After caring for her mother during her battle with stage IV stomach cancer, Michelle Patidar trusted her instincts when a dream-state visit from her mother warned her about her own health.

Read my story here.

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Nutrition After Cancer

There is so much information out there about nutrition, but not so much information for post-cancer - How to detox the body, rebuild the body and the mind. Michelle Patidar, an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach gives tips on nutrition going through cancer, healing after cancer, and even prevention. This for all of you! Enjoy <3


Listen to this episode from Sisters Speak on Spotify. There is so much information out there about nutrition, but not so much information for post-cancer - How to detox the body, rebuild the body and the mind. Michelle Patidar, an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach gives tips on nutrition going through cancer, healing after cancer, and even prevention.

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“There are hidden blessings in every struggle.”

